Last updated: 9 December 2020


The content on this website is copyright LSM Research, except where stated or quoted from elsewhere.

Third-party content

This site includes images or other third-party media where the media’s licence permits so. In these instances, I have made best efforts to attribute the copyright holders where appropriate.

This site is a collective work (‘collection’) and, as such, freely includes works under Creative Commons ShareAlike or No Derivatives licences. Where I have annotated or otherwise edited a work under a Creative Commons ShareAlike licence, it has been retained under that licence.


The website’s theme was developed by myself, based on the Underscores starter theme by Automattic. As a derivative work of that starter theme, it is licenced under the GNU General Public License v2 or later.

The changes made include the addition of the main CSS file of the site, additions to several of the PHP files and the addition of the JavaScript for smooth scrolling, highlighting elements and generating the table of contents and cookie preferences, among other things.