
This is the website of a young person with a neurodevelopmental condition that represents an uncommon and rarely reported severe form of Asperger syndrome.

The impetus to create this website started when I and a friend with the same condition identified a group of characteristically human psychological and behavioural features that we lacked that had not yet been described as a unified and extensively characterised model in any literature.

This began a long period of research into the root cause and mechanism of the features from our perspective of lacking them. The term that evolved for the features in our discourse was the ‘social mindset’.

The features of the social mindset include concepts such as empathy, familial love, friend love, romantic love, pet-/animal-bonding, body modifications/cosmetics/jewellery, fashion/aesthetic clothing styles, recreational drug use, cultural celebrations, valuation of money, hugging, kissing, pleasure from witnessed suffering (‘schadenfreude’), bullying, sadism, masochism, taboos, fiction, theism/spirituality/’higher powers’, problems of consciousness, qualia and free will, ‘comfort eating’, gender identities, social trends, self-esteem, sexual arousal by any of the features mentioned here, yawning contagion, vomiting contagion, mirror self-recognition, directed transmission of either language (whether spoken, written or signed), knowledge or music, expecting another person to also understand and benefit from it, and a mechanism of unconscious thought appropriation.

We lack most of these features. Our latent retention of the social mindset manifests the most in mirror self-recognition. Directed transmission of language with the expectation that another individual will also understand and benefit from it is as impaired as empathy, since we do not communicate with those we cannot relate to or about matters we cannot relate on (which constitute virtually all people and virtually all matters they discuss).

The research culminated in a virtually full explanation for all of these features.

On this website, I lay out the neurology, features and genetics of the social mindset, and I present a detailed model for its mechanism. I also lay out the presentation and progression of our lack of the social mindset and its neurology, genetics and prevalence. In doing so, I offer myself and my friend as extensively detailed case studies.

In the course of describing our differences, I also offer information on other neurological phenomena, such as temporal-lobe imprinting and differences in the amygdala–hypothalamus network.

Finally, I detail the relationship of the social mindset to both schizophrenia and autism, provide an extensive explanation for the neurology, genetics and features of schizophrenia and detail the diametric relationships between schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder.

The research on the site leads to several proposed research directions, which are listed at the end.

This website is designed primarily as a resource for medical and neuroscientific researchers, but it may also be useful to those who know someone with our lack of the social mindset or those who also have our lack of the social mindset.

In essence, the website is intended as a ‘handbook to us’.

  • Blue links – external links, usually to the corresponding English Wikipedia article
  • Bold links – internal links to another page on this site
  • Heavy, underlined links – internal links to another section on the same page of this site